Paul 21st June 2017

I met John when I was just under 16 at the time of joining the 1st Ardleigh Green (Squirrels Heath) Rover Scout Crew. John was always the life and soul of the crew . . . and we became pals as well as members. John had an old green Morris Minor with a soft-top and I can remember three of us having to sleep in it on the way to a Scout Camp in Worcestershire. John and I both came down with Asian Flu and were off sick but feeling better John rang and suggested that we both went to see 'Summer Holiday' (Cliff Richard). There was an afternoon performance at the Ilford 'Flea-pit' and although we were not really supposed to be out and about, we watched the film. John was more interested in the RT Bus than the plot or the music! I have many memories of great times with John and find it hard to believe that he is no longer with us. God Bless you John . . . make them laugh up there, you sure did down with us. With Love, Paul Fassam